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How to book more Photography Clients - Stop Getting Ghosted!

business clients Apr 12, 2021
How to Book more Photography Clients

Do you get a lot of emails like this:

"Hi could you send me your prices please?"

....and then after you give them the info, you never. hear. from. them. again.

Getting ghosted is a major bummer. What went wrong? It can make your mind spiral to the worst possible scenario. 

"Oh my prices are too high."

"Oh they must hate me!"

Been there. But, I've come a long way. Even though my prices are high, my booking rate is also high. If you want to increase you're booking rate too, read on to find out if you're making these common mistakes:

  1.  You're taking too long to respond. If it takes you longer than 24 hours to respond, that's too long. Remember, they are at their most excited when they contact you, and they may be contacting other photographers too. If the other photographer writes back first, they have the first opportunity to establish a connection and then this lead is gone. If you can't get back to them quickly with full details, you can either set up an auto responder or write back right away with a quick note letting them know you received their message and can't wait to talk about their project.
  2. You're not following up. For years, I didn't have the confidence to follow up. If I got ghosted, I assumed they liked another photographer better or that my prices were too high, and I never contacted them again. I didn't want to bother them! However, what I found when I started following up is that 90% of the time, life got busy and they just forgot. They are happy I have reached out to them again to get the ball rolling. Try implementing a one-week follow up email, and see if your bookings increase!
  3. You're not presenting your information well. Just typing out your prices is not very enticing. It makes it all about the cost, when it should be about the kind of art you want to create for them, and the type of experience you offer. If you don't already have a beautiful pricing guide pdf, you can make one in a day. Start with a template from Etsy to make it easy, and be strategic about the other information you include. Try an "about me" blurb, a testimonial, and the answers to any questions they might have. 
  4. You don't have a call to action. This was a "duh" moment when I first realized I was making this mistake. I would give the info they were requesting, but I failed to tell them how to take the next step. If you're leaving them hanging, they are less likely to make the extra effort to ask you how to proceed. Spell it out for them. 

Are you making any of these mistakes? If so, it's time to rethink your inquiry response.

Fear not, I've made it easy for you! Download my FREE pdf "The Perfect Inquiry Response." You'll learn the 7 essential parts of an inquiry response, and craft your own email template to be ready to book your next inquiry! 

DOWNLOAD "The Perfect Inquiry Response" HERE


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